Saturday, September 12, 2009

I noticed that some pics I wanted to post regarding my son's book never came through on my blog. I have since realized that when you post to your blog from Picassa directly, only a small amount of pictures will actually post. So, I am at this point doing just a few at a time. This particular layout was another specific challenge. For one, the pics were not taken on a digital camera....but 27 years ago! There were also dates on some of the pics. So, the page was created from trying to capture moments of the day. What was special to include on the opposite page (not so much for a layout...but the journaling) was the message my husband and I wrote shortly after our son was born in a baby book. I was able to copy these pages and include them for our son to read. I had his baby book stored away with other keepsake items. Oh my the sentiments we wrote then regarding our dreams for Colt have come to be! How special it was to read and reflect after all this time!!
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1 comment:

  1. I think this one is my favorite from his scrapbook!! I love it!
